Hello twenty nineteen! Thank goodness you’re here.
I’ve so needed you to wake me up and jolt me away from Christmas cookies, champagne and cider celebrations, way too many massive meals and far too few workouts.
But all of that love and cheer (which there were lots!) brought equal parts chaos, logistics, suitcase packing, unpacking, gift tagging and, of course, excessive amounts of Amazon box recycling.
Not to mention, that I’m still wrapping, or trying to, my head around the millions of pieces my heart turned into after I lost my grandma – who was much more than just that – right before all of this holiday hoopla.
No amount of tape or life lessons could have prepared me for this one. Maybe it’s the combination of desperately missing her magic, and the comfort that carbs and candy has brought but at this point I truly don’t recognize my body, or sometimes myself, and want more than anything now to get both BACK.
So again, and lightening right back up, welcome to 2019. I’m ready to roll out the red carpet for you!
No drinking, less dairy, takeout is turning into Thistle and my gym membership (with a kiddie play zone, mind you!) is finally going to be dusted off.
I’m officially and newly twenty-nine, Miss Xena is ONE in just a week (how on Earth?!), and all I want is my “I Can, I Will, I DO!” mantra and mentality to be locked back in place.
So get used to me, THIS is my resolution. Word of the year? “SHINE” (will write more about that one next!).
It’s amazing how quickly the days with an ever-moving, ever-growing and EVER-communicating baby have flown right on by… I’ve sopped up EACH moment, and wouldn’t trade any one for a THING. But now it’s time to adventure out and see what the universe has in store for my eleven-month-old partner in crime and me.
Hello world of bottles, waddles, caffeine fixes, teething crackers and a whole new toddler point of view, I’m Alex Powers and WELCOME BACK to “I Can, I Will, IN DO!”.
Kels says
HNY ICIWID! Excited for the year ahead!
Kelly says
Woohoo so proud of you! Can’t wait to see what the year brings!