Every engaged couple’s most asked question is: “How did he do it?!”. Well here you go…
In high school I was bit by the broadcast bug. As a theatre kid, I was always a performer but it was only through my school’s news station that I realized I could be in front of a crowd and not play a character, yet play “myself” instead! As soon as I sat down at Palos Verdes High School’s “Live From 205” news desk, I knew that’s where I wanted to be. Microphone on, producers in my ear, and reporting people’s stories every single day.
From there, I went on to major in broadcast journalism at USC (Southern California not South Carolina), began working at Entertainment Tonight in L.A. and NYC, and from there started hosting, producing and writing for “SweetBeatTV” for teen/tween girls platform Sweety High.
How’s that for a quick resume?
Anyways, the most important take away here is that I love reporting and “Live From 205” is where it all began.
Knowing that, Jordan “El Fiance” got in touch with the head of “Live From 205” and asked them to slyly request to interview me for a “Where Are They Now?” alumni episode.
Of course, when they called me I was completely touched. My ego went up about a hundred notches, and I immediately started texting my family and friends that I must be a local celebrity.
Little did I know it was NOT “205”s idea to do this, but I was still along for the ride. A reporter and camera-girl came over to my apartment to interview me, and when they wrapped, asked me if I could come on On-Air at the news anchor desk to present my story. I’ll admit I was a bit nervous I would look like a stuck-in-the-past “super senior”, but I hesitantly accepted.
The day of the show I woke up, decided to slim myself in black (statement necklace to add my trademarked bling), went to DryBar (which has become my therapy/second home), and figured with that I was ready to go.
So skip forward a couple hours … the show starts, I’m at the desk, the package they put together makes my heart skip a beat, and then we’re live and they are asking me how my family has been a support system. Just as I begin to answer my mom (who was supposed to be in Chicago), sister (who goes to school at Stanford), grandma (the most sparkly person in the world, who lives in Arizona, and had knee surgery two days before), dad (who lives in Florida), and puppy (basically my first born) all walk into the studio.
Of course, I dramatically begin to cry. But, as twisted and self-centered as I am thought they had come all this way just to support me as the superstar alum that I was recognized as being.
The show goes on, I continue with my reporting face, and they then ask about my boyfriend Jordan. I explain that he’s a huge support, also in entertainment, and that I had almost expected him to walk in the room with the rest of the crew. Right on cue, he did just that.
My first thought was, “Why are you missing work?!”, but what I said instead was my go to line, “Are you going to propose?!”.
The line, used probably fifty thousand times, this time, was true. He began nervously rambling on about how the past five years of his life have been the best and how he couldn’t imagine the future without me. Of course I didn’t hear a single thing he said, I was busy screaming, hyperventilating and waving my hands to fan myself.
A moment later he was down on one knee presenting a sparkly canary diamond to my left finger (a finger that’s been lonely for so so long).
I scream “YES” in an octave way beyond my normal range and, in that moment, my whole life quickly changed. I was engaged and couldn’t have been more excited about it.
For the three boys who are reading this blog, here are some important moments to point out:
- He picked a time he knew I would be hair and make up ready.
- He knew I’d be dressed to impress.
- Tuesday at 10:30am was decidedly not a time I’d have expected something like this.
- Family was present.
- It was done somewhere that is near and dear to my heart.
- He made sure, beforehand, that I could get the rest of the day off from work. Who wants to drink champagne and then return to their cubicle?!
From there we cheers’d, brunched, photo’d, called everyone in our phone books and, that night, celebrated in style with a mini party thrown by my family and friends (another set up he had arranged ahead of time – bravo to him!).
Toasts were given, tears were shed and all was blissful and happy. That is, until I stepped on the scale the next day.
What happened from there? Well, THIS! It’s not all roses and champagne. Every moment needs to be lived to the fullest, just not always with a slice of cake.
Welcome to the beginning of I Can, I Will, I DO!
Wished I could have been there.