Happy week 24 — aka 6 months, aka we’re the size of a “long ear of corn” (not to be confused with candy corn), AKA we’ve reached that pivotal point where baby’s pretending like my belly’s a trampoline and seems to forget that my bladder may not want to be her private dance floor 24/7. That being said, the girl’s got moves!
Yes, things are ch-ch-ch-changin’ around here. I’ve been dying to feel kicks since the moment I peed on the stick, and now that they’re here, this whole thing feels oh so very much more real.
…AND beyond that, it really does look like everything else in my world is also turning over a new seasonal “leaf”: cashmere sweaters are making their cozy debut, half-caf pumpkin spice lattes are ever present (at least in my hands), my fiery red convertible has gone buh-bye, and new mom-mobile’s made her grand garage entrance, the “nursery” is empty, like truly empty, other than a make-believe area rug marked by blue tape, and baby’s mattress placed where a soon-to-be-delivered crib will be.
I go through an odd weekly routine of feeling entirely boring, sober and “old” and then quickly snap into cuckoo crazy mode, spinning my head around all of the to-do’s and new not-so-normal ahead of me.
I’m growing a human, which comes with seemingly endless no-no’s and rules, but at the same time, it’s not like the countless cleanses I know all too well, which promptly end after I’ve “made it” 30 days with an extra tall glass of champagne. This one’s much more permanent. Well, it IS permanent. No “cheat” days allowed, no “I’ll be better tomorrow”, no room for error.
Luckily, diet-wise, chocolate chip cookies aren’t as frowned upon here, and an ever-growing stomach is to be expected, not punished, but with that also comes the daily reminder to THANK MYSELF for all of the self-control lead-up I learned, preached, YouTube’d and blogged about only a year ago.
Funny that LIKE shedding for the wedding my mocktail game continues to be strong, only now with a side of stretch-mark prevention cream and prenatals! How fun am I?!
All I can say is, thank goodness for officially being Fall, for all of the holidays and festive celebrations to distract me ahead and, most importantly, thank goodness that my sweet little baby-to-be is HEALTHY and HAPPY (if kicks and summersaults can be a judging tool!).
With maternity jeans and insomnia preventing me any bedtime dreams, Xoxo,