As we’re quickly approaching Spring (it’s still technically winter as groundhog Phil decided he couldn’t see his shadow), my trustee trainer Shad has reminded me that I only have nine months to go until du duh nah na … which means … it’s GO TIME!
My diet’s been pretty good (A-/B+), and training’s been an “A”, but what will really take me to the next level is some cardio. I’m not a runner (that’s a hilarious understatement), and swimming in February – even in Southern California – is a bit like a polar plunge, ellipticals can only do so much, and most workout classes are either odd or intimidating (there are some exceptions). So, I decided to turn to the pedals and saddle up with the avid South Bay spinners.
And, where else to turn? SoulCycle.
I’ve heard the hype and vowed to give it a try for six months. Why I didn’t start sooner is now a complete mystery to me…
First note, I was semi-terrified of a. not fitting in b. being the largest biker and/or c. having no idea what to do.
All three anxieties quickly switched “gears” as soon as I walked in. I was immediately greeted by smiles, cycle shoes, and all shapes and sizes.
It may have been the trendiest, most well-thought-out workout “welcome” room I’ve ever seen (think DryBar for bikers), but there were many other newbies and the “check in” was beyond user-friendly. Each wall had punchy and punny instructions and lockers were a white lacquer paradise, complete with USB outlets inside to charge your phone … genius!
The no cell policy hurt my blog-ability (*all photos courtesy of SoulCycle) but ended up being the best thing in the whole entire world.
By the time we walked into the actual cycle “arena”, everyone was unplugged, pumped up, and ready to sweat.
The room itself is, like the rest of this experience, far from ordinary. The bikes were immaculately clean, club music was blasting, mood lighting perfected, and candles flickering.
“Clicking-in” was astonishingly a breeze (thanks to a bit of help) and then we were up and off.
Within five minutes I understood the name. It was truly half cycle and half soul. Beyond the candlelight glow (real candles too, not the clearly fake battery-powered ones), the dark lighting allowed you to be zero percent self-conscious (as the rest of the pack can barely see you), and music was the perfect combination of no earplugs needed and sing-out-loud-able (and I sing loudly) without deafening your neighbor.
Between the intervals, arm weights and coordinated dance moves, the forty-five minute ride was, to say the least, a whole body workout (and then some).
I left feeling high on life, on top of the world, euphoric and ready to download the app to sign up for more.
…I promise this post is 0% sponsored, although wouldn’t a SoulCycle sponsorship be wonderful?!
If you’re interested, the first class is $20 and then they go up to $30 each (if you’re hooked, like me though, you may consider buying a package to save!).
With spandex shorts and Queen’s “bicycle” song stuck in my head.
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