As a little pre-note, I was finishing typing up this story on an airplane from Montana to Mexico with my family and fiancé last night when all of a sudden our cabin lost pressure and the oxygen masks quickly came down without any warning or explanation. It was dark and we couldn’t hear the engines or see a thing outside. As I held my sister’s hand and signed the I love you symbol with my other fingers, my mind began spinning with all that I have and all that’s ahead.
As we, after what seemed like forever, safely landed, I promised myself I would make the very most of this life that’s been given to me. We only have one chance – and I so urge you to make the very most of it! We can, we will and we (need to) do!
It’s the magical time between Christmas and New Years – and, at that, very happy New Year’s Eve!
As you’re all sitting down to a final holiday binge before the resolutions come into play, I’m with you – well sort of- as I’m defrosting my fingers over a huckleberry vodka soda.
And yes, this iced beverage is still a helpful warm-up, as outside on this snowy Montana mountain it’s a chilly -1 degree! Perfect for a little pre-2016 “shredding” before my wedding and “strapping” (snowboard term) my future bucket list into gear.
As I mentioned two blogs ago in my “let’s-be-more-December-active” piece I’m happy to report that #7 now has a big check mark next to it and WOW has it been fun – and “cool”.
Skiing and snowboarding are two of those rare-to-find workouts that count as cardio and muscle strengthening (as your whole body will absolutely let you know the next morning), while still feeling quite social, therapeutic and vacation-like.
Lucky for everyone reading this too, the ski season is still young, and most mountains will be open until March or even late April.
So go hit the slopes!
If you find pizza to french-fries or heel to toe turns nearly impossible to perfect, good news, there are a lot more options out there! Going to a gym, for a sled ride or even (and especially) a snowshoe trek in high altitude, you are automatically working twice as hard (at least!) as you would be at sea level. Your heart rate will be cranking and if you keep it up, you can burn more calories and come home able to run, walk and breathe much more easily than you could before.
As a corny year-ender I’d like to share a thought I had while staring out of my chairlift “bubble”. If you look really closely, you’ll see that no two snowflakes are exactly alike. Each one may look similar from a distance but really every single one of them has its own story, shape and size – and this could not be more true about my and your weight loss journeys as well.
I hope your night is an absolute firework of endless sparks, colors, lights and possibilities!
I’ll see you in January!!
Well said…so excited for you & your progress????