Happy almost turkey day! A day filled with never-enough Pillsbury crescent rolls (why is that?) and all together too much of about just about everything else.
Mashed potatoes, gravy, turkey and pie – oh my! All things to make you gobble till’ you wobble’ and end up feeling like the half-pound of butter you just ate.
But let’s remember that Thanksgiving is (or should be) about much more than just that. It’s about giving THANKS for all that you have in your life, and I must say, I have a long list to recite this year.
Is it an oxymoron that I’m saying my weight loss and bride-to-be “thank you’s” by being spoon-fed cranberry sauce and yams? Yes, it absolutely is, but I think the key here is to be able to celebrate your thanks, try the stuffing, avoid self over-stuffing, and then to wake up and get to say thank you again to yourself (and your scale) for nearly missing a Costco-sized overnight weight gain.
There’s no need to have twenty servings of each buffet item. One (or even half) will do, and I’m guessing if you sit back and really TASTE each BITE you’ll enjoy yourself way more than the that in-law who’s wolfing down his plate next to you – not realizing that 4,000 calories flew by.
Plus, you may be just surprised by how full you get from the properly portioned plate.
My “I Can, I Will, I DO” filter and mentality will be, “is it worth it?”. If it is, go for it and scoop a spoonful onto your plate. But, mediocre macaroni and cheese does not need to make the A-squad. I promise the relative who made it will forgive you, that is if they even notice you’ve skipped it … as they themselves are likely busy inhaling their own food.
This goes for alcohol too. There’s no need to wash everything down with a bottle of wine. Grab some water. Have a glass, or two or even three of wine but please make sure it’s from a fantastic, special bottle and worth the 150 calories per pour (that’s a lite pour by the way).
Sip and savor is what I like to say.
With this plan you won’t have to say no to a thing. No major restrictions or deprivations. You can have your pie and eat it too – ideally just not the whole thing.
Now here’s to another hectic, jingly, not juggly, but jolly holiday season ahead. Please know just how very THANKFUL I am for YOU. Truly beyond. You’ll be on the top of my list tomorrow as we’re awkwardly going around the dinner table.
With mozzarella sticks currently in the oven (or as “Charlie Brown Thanksgiving” would say “oh brother”), XOXO,
Happy Thanksigiving Alex! Hugs to you & yours & thanks for the reminder about not overdoing it…as we head to San Diego with three pies whose crusts won’t be quite as pretty as they were when we started the journey! Trying to laugh not cry over it!